Oddish today because I said so. I spent all last night finding the original artworks for the first generation Pokemon. They are easier than their remakes for Fire Red and Leaf Green. I then spent all day today organizing them into Easy, Medium, and Zhard. Why zhard? Because Windows automatically sorts in alphabetical order, and I couldn't think of a word after M that meant difficult.
Now, onto the unpleasentries; the issues I have:
I had to hand-draw the shadows in Photoshop so they aren't near as smooth as I'd like
The eyes and mouth are a bit low
I am generally satisfied, though.
Oh, and by "all day organizing them" I mean I spent about 30 minutes on that. The part of my day during which I was not doing chores or running errands was spent on Bulbapedia. RESEARCH, DAMMIT!
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