Friday, October 8, 2010


This thing has to be the world's fastest Jigglypuff. It looks wonky, (esp around the ears) and I'll probably work on it more later, but I really need to get some sleep, so I wanted to throw this up. This is why I normally work on things for an hour and a half. If I don't you guys wind up getting a scurry Jigglypuff.

I'm not even going to go into what's wrong with it, but I will say that I like how the hair curl turned out. My wrist was being rather fluid for once (you should have seen how many times I tried to ink the body to get it even remotely circular).

Anyway, bedtime. I may redo Jigglypuff tomorrow, but I doubt it.

Oh! This was my first experiment with multi-fill which really cut down on my coloring time. I haven't figured out how to make it fill in the shading, but what it does is it colors each contiguous white area a different color so that I can easily use the paintbucket tool to throw in large swaths of color as opposed to scribbling over everything and then selecting the outside colors and deleting them.

Now, imma play Akinator on my phone until I inevitably crash. Goodnight, my little waddle.

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