Monday, October 25, 2010


This one took, honestly, forever. I think I started working on it on the 14th and finally put the finishing touches on it today. Of course I didn't work on it constantly, but that's because I got really frightened of the highlights in her tail and lacked the confidence to actually do them. Ninetales is my favorite pokemon, so I tried to be pretty damn accurate. I know she's looking rather angry, I didn't mean to make her face so angular, but overall I am actually quite satisfied with this piece.

If'n you care what's going on in my life aside from drawing please check out my personal blog: Podróż Do Zostania Srebrny Anioł (No, it's not in Polish.) I plan to update it more often now that I'm doing this one. It's just easier to keep all of my blogging in one space. I like tumblr, but it's not really a place for personal blogging, and Wordpress kinda ate me alive, so I'm back to Blogger.

I used a new technique in coloring. My steps are kind of boring, so I'll explain them after the jump.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Here's a tree. It's pretty much crap.

My head is reeling. I have to go now.

Friday, October 8, 2010


This thing has to be the world's fastest Jigglypuff. It looks wonky, (esp around the ears) and I'll probably work on it more later, but I really need to get some sleep, so I wanted to throw this up. This is why I normally work on things for an hour and a half. If I don't you guys wind up getting a scurry Jigglypuff.

I'm not even going to go into what's wrong with it, but I will say that I like how the hair curl turned out. My wrist was being rather fluid for once (you should have seen how many times I tried to ink the body to get it even remotely circular).

Anyway, bedtime. I may redo Jigglypuff tomorrow, but I doubt it.

Oh! This was my first experiment with multi-fill which really cut down on my coloring time. I haven't figured out how to make it fill in the shading, but what it does is it colors each contiguous white area a different color so that I can easily use the paintbucket tool to throw in large swaths of color as opposed to scribbling over everything and then selecting the outside colors and deleting them.

Now, imma play Akinator on my phone until I inevitably crash. Goodnight, my little waddle.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Oddish today because I said so. I spent all last night finding the original artworks for the first generation Pokemon. They are easier than their remakes for Fire Red and Leaf Green. I then spent all day today organizing them into Easy, Medium, and Zhard. Why zhard? Because Windows automatically sorts in alphabetical order, and I couldn't think of a word after M that meant difficult.

Now, onto the unpleasentries; the issues I have:
I had to hand-draw the shadows in Photoshop so they aren't near as smooth as I'd like
The eyes and mouth are a bit low

I am generally satisfied, though.

Oh, and by "all day organizing them" I mean I spent about 30 minutes on that. The part of my day during which I was not doing chores or running errands was spent on Bulbapedia. RESEARCH, DAMMIT!

Monday, October 4, 2010


I drew you a Haunter today. Well, technically I drew this for a guy over at the Questionable Content UStream chat, but I did have the intent to give it to you all too.

Inking not thick enough
Haunter drawn too skinny

I haven't been around for a number of reasons, but I assure you that I have been attempting to practice and that's part of the reason I haven't posted. I bought a book about drawing, so I'm practicing to draw my own work and not just copying stuff. For now, though, the posts I pt up here will likely be my practicing copying, because I'm not ready just yet to show you my original stuff.

Well, I need to get sleep or else I'm not getting anything done tomorrow, and I'm supposed to get a LOT done.