Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Moleskine 1

These are just a few sketches from my Moleskine. I tend to draw a lot while at work because it keeps me awake so I can pay better attention. I have other doodles in my notebook, but these two are, by far, my best.

I need to bust out Tom (my manikin) and start working on proportions (including neck size...) Also, I need to work on side and 3/4 view people, because straight on is all I'm decent at right now.

These are very rough and uninked, but I haven't posted in a while so I wanted to show you a bit of what I've been doing. (You can even see my eraser marks and how the paper has that traditional Moleskine tint.) The one major thing I have learned from these drawings is that it can take me hours to get something looking just right. Before I thought that my drawings had to be fast. I'm sure I'll GET faster, but as of right now, I'm just working on getting the drawings done satisfactorily.

Anyway, I'll post what I can as I finish.

Have a great Holiday (as you probably won't see much from me until after)!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

This is an apollonian gasket that I doodled today. I also drew a Sierpinski triangle and a weird amalgam of the two (a large triangle with circles in it), but I don't know if I'm going to actually upload those.

I have two things now that I didn't have before:
1. An amazing new Moleskine sketchbook from a friend (which I will begin using tomorrow)
2. A scanner

I've given up on Illustrator. It's broken... again... and I really don't feel like fixing it this time. I'll find something else... eventually.

I'm not in the best of moods at the moment, and I have a lot of stuff to think about before I actually fall asleep, so I have to go.

PS Not keeping a normal schedule on the Internets does not mean I'm not drawing. I just couldn't really find a way to upload the stuff, but I have a scanner now so all is well on that front. Eventually, (ie when I feel like it/can) I will be attempting to keep a normal schedule. Until then, though, sporradic updates are all you are going to be getting.

PPS Did I mention my Moleskine is amazing? Because it is!

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Sketchiest

This is my progress on learning how to draw. I am not going to make you suffer my wireframes. I know that I didn't update last week, but consider this my Sunday drawing a day late. I'll likely update late Thursday. I just got a new job and don't have to work Thanksgiving, so that'll give me time to pump something out.

This is the sketchiest sketch I believe I've ever sketched. So, please bear with me some more. Oh, and I know that my sketches are normally some shade of blue, but when I was drawing the wireframe I made that blue, so this one gets to be orange so I can differentiate them. There's some brown in there too because I was having to draw the arms in a different color and Photoshop was being whiny about switching my colors so I did it weirdly.

I'll be getting glasses sometime next week, so hopefully that'll help a bit.

Also, I'm going to cut a lot out of my wireframe. For some reason when I draw it my arm proportions are always off, but I get the geometry bits correct. Hopefully I can learn to draw in my own style (whatever that may be; I trust it will develop over time) and cut out the preliminary steps (wireframe, geometry, muscle structure, etc), but for now I am where I am in drawing. I believe I am improving. I do have a lot of ideas for some comics, but they are going to wait until I'm ready to start drawing them. Yeah, I might have to wait a long time, but I'm willing to do that. No, I don't expect to be at the epitome of my art when I start to draw, but I hope to at least have the basics down.

Other than the people on Facebook and following my feed on Google Reader not many people actually look at this page, so I'm not terribly concerned about publishing until I feel I'm ready.

I considered for, like, 2 seconds making my comic in the style of wobbly jointed geometry people, but I looked at my drawing a little more and realized that the fact that he has no face. I think it's just that he reminds me a bit too much of Skeleton Harvester in that way.

Gah, this got TL;DR really quick. Well, I need to get to sleep pretty quick anyway. We'll talk to you soon. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Everything Right is Wrong Again

Well, viruses suck. I fixed it... no thanks to MalwareBytes not correcting my proxy settings that the virus changed. Without the technobabble: I messed up my computer and then while fixing it made it worse. I eventually fixed that too, though.

Anyway: blah blah late drawing... blah blah excuse.

I may have one up tomorrow, but I likely will return to normal scheduling on Thursday.


Thursday, November 11, 2010


As the picture says: my copy of Illustrator is borked and I'm currently too tired to care. I'll fix it tomorrow. To be honest this is more than you were going to get tonight. This started off as just being a sketch day (I was going to ink tomorrow), but I wanted to test out a coloring tutorial I saw so I sketched this and opened Illustrator to ink it and everything went to hell. I then 'inked' it in Photoshop (my hand is rather shaky so it's rather difficult for me to get a not messed up line without Illustrator) because the coloring process requires an inked picture. I colored it and now you have more than you were going to get. Exciting, huh?

I'm thinking about making a posting schedule. I know I haven't even started the comic yet, but I haven't relaly found my style yet. Especially not for drawing people so I'm probably going to work on that quite a bit as soon as I get Illustrator back up. Just a warning, though, while working on figure sketching you guys might get just that: sketches. A lot of learning figures is figuring out anatomy using geometric shapes and those aren't really "worth" inking, so thhere will likely be a lot of true sketches going up.

How does Monday and Thursday sound for an update schedule? (Maybe... and this is a big maybe... there may be some surprise updates too. Just depends on how bored I get.)

Also, for your patience, a second drawing (drawn yesterday when Illustrator was working):
It's a GARIES.

My mouse is jacking up. My queue that it's time for bed. Good night.

Monday, October 25, 2010


This one took, honestly, forever. I think I started working on it on the 14th and finally put the finishing touches on it today. Of course I didn't work on it constantly, but that's because I got really frightened of the highlights in her tail and lacked the confidence to actually do them. Ninetales is my favorite pokemon, so I tried to be pretty damn accurate. I know she's looking rather angry, I didn't mean to make her face so angular, but overall I am actually quite satisfied with this piece.

If'n you care what's going on in my life aside from drawing please check out my personal blog: Podróż Do Zostania Srebrny Anioł (No, it's not in Polish.) I plan to update it more often now that I'm doing this one. It's just easier to keep all of my blogging in one space. I like tumblr, but it's not really a place for personal blogging, and Wordpress kinda ate me alive, so I'm back to Blogger.

I used a new technique in coloring. My steps are kind of boring, so I'll explain them after the jump.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Here's a tree. It's pretty much crap.

My head is reeling. I have to go now.

Friday, October 8, 2010


This thing has to be the world's fastest Jigglypuff. It looks wonky, (esp around the ears) and I'll probably work on it more later, but I really need to get some sleep, so I wanted to throw this up. This is why I normally work on things for an hour and a half. If I don't you guys wind up getting a scurry Jigglypuff.

I'm not even going to go into what's wrong with it, but I will say that I like how the hair curl turned out. My wrist was being rather fluid for once (you should have seen how many times I tried to ink the body to get it even remotely circular).

Anyway, bedtime. I may redo Jigglypuff tomorrow, but I doubt it.

Oh! This was my first experiment with multi-fill which really cut down on my coloring time. I haven't figured out how to make it fill in the shading, but what it does is it colors each contiguous white area a different color so that I can easily use the paintbucket tool to throw in large swaths of color as opposed to scribbling over everything and then selecting the outside colors and deleting them.

Now, imma play Akinator on my phone until I inevitably crash. Goodnight, my little waddle.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Oddish today because I said so. I spent all last night finding the original artworks for the first generation Pokemon. They are easier than their remakes for Fire Red and Leaf Green. I then spent all day today organizing them into Easy, Medium, and Zhard. Why zhard? Because Windows automatically sorts in alphabetical order, and I couldn't think of a word after M that meant difficult.

Now, onto the unpleasentries; the issues I have:
I had to hand-draw the shadows in Photoshop so they aren't near as smooth as I'd like
The eyes and mouth are a bit low

I am generally satisfied, though.

Oh, and by "all day organizing them" I mean I spent about 30 minutes on that. The part of my day during which I was not doing chores or running errands was spent on Bulbapedia. RESEARCH, DAMMIT!

Monday, October 4, 2010


I drew you a Haunter today. Well, technically I drew this for a guy over at the Questionable Content UStream chat, but I did have the intent to give it to you all too.

Inking not thick enough
Haunter drawn too skinny

I haven't been around for a number of reasons, but I assure you that I have been attempting to practice and that's part of the reason I haven't posted. I bought a book about drawing, so I'm practicing to draw my own work and not just copying stuff. For now, though, the posts I pt up here will likely be my practicing copying, because I'm not ready just yet to show you my original stuff.

Well, I need to get sleep or else I'm not getting anything done tomorrow, and I'm supposed to get a LOT done.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hey, Internet. I drew you a Diglett. I'm frakking tired, but, for some reason, I felt the need to draw a Diglett before sleep. The ground is not detailed, his nose/mouth has no shadow/some major issues with coloring because my dumbass forgot to use layers/I'm sure other stuff, but give me a break, I'm still learning to draw and use Photoshop on my own so I'm kinda just winging it.

Also, he's coming out of some really green ground. Just, uh, pretend that he's invaded some dude's house in the '70s. Like, with seafoam shag carpet in his sunken living room, or some shit.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Once A Penguin Sketches

I plan to practice drawing. These ex3wex3werx3 <(roommate attack) are to bgrvpw5 h h5 p vrhb racb htr hi chre hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhprat55555555555555555555555555555555


I plan to practice drahwing in this blog. <(roommate attack... again) So, yeah, drawing, sketching, it's going to happen here.

Main blog comic thing is at: